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Fed Up by Danielle DiMartino Booth
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Fed Up

Best Seller
Fed Up by Danielle DiMartino Booth
Hardcover $30.00
Feb 14, 2017 | ISBN 9780735211650
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“This view from the inside is not to be missed.”
A. GARY SHILLING, president of A. Gary Shilling & Co., Inc.

“Danielle DiMartino Booth has written an informed, thoughtful, eye-opening—and justifiably angry—memoir of her days at the Federal Reserve. A monetary broadside for our populist world.”
JAMES GRANT, publisher of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer

“An outsider-turned-insider gives a gripping account of how false, but stubbornly held beliefs at the Fed helped create the global economic crisis as well as contribute to rising inequality in the United States. Brutally honest and engagingly written . . . A mustread.”
WILLIAM R. WHITE, former economic adviser and head of the monetary and economic department at the Bank for International Settlements

“Penned with bold prose and laced with compelling arguments, Booth delineates the exact reasons that the Fed has failed America and why America should abandon the Fed. Fed Up is a must-read tale of the over-reaching power, unfettered egos and clueless bravado that struck at the core of American stability, and must do so no longer.”
NOMI PRINS, author of All the Presidents’ Bankers

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions. [Booth] personalizes and clearly explains the influence, the danger, and the consequences of monetary activism gone wild.”
PETER BOOCKVAR, chief market analyst at The Lindsey Group

“This book is a must read for every American who wants to stay informed and educated about our financial future.”
ALLEN WEST, member of the 112th US Congress

“If you want to read a strong counterpoint—from the perspective of a lonely non-Keynesian within the Fed—to the ‘we saved the world’ narratives of those who led us to zero yields, asset bubbles, and a fast-shrinking middle class, this is it.“
ROB ARNOTT, chairman of Research Affiliates

“Danielle DiMartino Booth proves that insightful technical analysis and hilarious anecdotes can exist between the covers of the same book.”
JAMES RICKARDS, author of The Road to Ruin

“Booth’s insider status, captivating personality, mellifluous writing style, and keen sense of observation are wrapped up into a thoughtful analysis of our country’s dependency on the Fed and the worrisome consequences of that addiction.”
DOUGLAS A. KASS, founder and president of Seabreeze Partners Management Inc.

“DiMartino Booth combines a lively writing style with careful research, quotes and annotations. Her first-hand account, which juxtaposes the complacency inside the Fed with the unfolding crisis outside, should appeal to a wide range of readers, from critics of the Fed and market participants to the average person eager to learn how monetary policy is conceived and executed.”

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