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Know Thyself by Ingrid Rossellini
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Know Thyself

Best Seller
Know Thyself by Ingrid Rossellini
May 22, 2018 | ISBN 9780385541893
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“Rumors of the death of Western civilization must be questioned when a work of popular history as absorbing and readable as this is published…New Western civ classes could ask for no better overview.” 
—Booklist, starred review

“In a thrilling story of pride and humility from the Greeks to the Renaissance, Know Thyself offers an entire education in a book. Ingrid Rossellini shows us where we have come from and who we need to be as citizens in a diverse and ever-changing world.”
—Barry Strauss, Bryce and Edith M. Bowmar Professor in Humanistic Studies at Cornell University and author of The Death of Caesar: The Story of History’s Most Famous Assassination

“Rossellini’s epic is dazzling.” 
Publishers Weekly

“Polymath Rossellini shares the fruits of her broad knowledge of literature, philosophy, art, and history in this…highly rewarding work…a highly satisfying journey across centuries of culture…Rossellini gives us illuminating classes in art history, Western civilization, philosophy, and religion, all rolled into one book that must be read closely and pondered fully.”
Kirkus, starred review 

“Scholar Rossellini’s grand study, in many ways, presents a history of the Western soul…Rossellini is skilled in teasing out the metaphysical and cultural hinges that shaped the Western mind…a scholarly yet accessible tour through the history of Western civilization, pleasantly detailing the rises, declines, rediscoveries, and revolutions along the way.”
Library Journal 

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